Cultural Organizing for Community Change - Brooklyn

Cultural Organizing for Community Change
Sunday, November 10th, 2013 from 10am-6pm 
followed by a reception from 6-7.
Groundswell, 540 President Street, Suite 1A
Brooklyn, New York 

About the Workshop:

Cultural Organizing for Community Change provided a space where artists, media makers, organizers and policy makers could learn effective ways to deepen their work and strengthen their capacity to connect creativity, culture, and organizing for community change. The workshop included a cultural organizing framework, case studies, skill building workshops, networking opportunities, and strategy conversations. The workshop took place November 10, 2013 at Groundswell in Brooklyn, NY.

This workshop was made possible with the support of City Councilmember Brad Lander and the Nathan Cummings Foundation.


Art as a Tool for Social Change with Court-involved Youth
Amy Sananman, Groundswell
This case study focuses on a collaborative mural project done by court-involved young men in Brownsville, Brooklyn highlighting Groundswell's unique model and best practices for using art as a tool for change.

Community Media in Action
Teresa Basilio, Global Action Project (GAP)
A discussion of GAP's Community Media in Action program. CMIA expands community organizers' capacity to utilize media analysis and production to further the goals of their campaigns through direct engagement with youth.

Ralph Figaro and Theo Wharton, El Puente
The case study includes the facilitators' personal experiences regarding Stop and Frisk and El Puente's work campaigning around this issue and other unjust practices dealing with the NYPD. 

Harlem Story Walk: Generating Dialogue on Neighborhood Change 
Bridget Bartolini and Nancy Agabian, Laundromat Project
Learn about how the Harlem Story Walk used cultural organizing and story circles to research, develop and implement conversations about change as part of the Laundromat Project's Field Day, a festival of neighborhoods. 

(all levels of experience welcome)

Creative Process and Social Action: Theater of the Oppressed 
George Emilio Sanchez, EMERGENYC, Hemispheric Institute
An introduction to Theater of the Oppressed as a means to explore the meaning of individual and group engagement. The techniques of Augusto Boal will serve as the foundation for investigating the needs and avenues called for while engaging in social action.  

Drawing the Line - the Power of Visual Art
Ricardo Levins Morales, RLM Art Studio
This workshop shows how visual images can help to win a campaign, build community, or strengthen identity. We'll pool our creativity to come up with appropriate visuals for organizing situations faced by workshop participants. 

Hip-Hop, the Soundtrack to the Revolution
Jasiri X
Examine the partnership between organizers and Hip Hop artists and their respective use of social media networks to share pertinent information and spearhead movements, as seen in Occupy and the Troy Davis and Trayvon Martin cases. 

Introduction to the Story Circle
Stephanie McKee, Junebug Productions
An introduction to the process of story circles as developed by the Free Southern Theater, and Junebug Productions, which can be adapted for your home community. The central question is "How can story circles be used for transformative action?"  

Listen Up! Storytelling and Oral History Workshop
Michael Premo and Rachel Falcone, Housing is a Human Right and Sandy StorylineStories are at the heart of social change, so how do we create the spaces for them to be heard, documented and shared? Learn oral history and interview-based techniques that strengthen connections and create powerful narratives for change. 

Moving to Build a Movement: Body Conditioning for Organizers 
Maria Bauman and Bennalldra Williams,  Urban Bush Women
How do we sustain movements and campaigns with little time to sustain ourselves? This workshop offers simple tools for re-inhabiting our bodies and reinforcing holism from the inside out.

Participatory Action Research for Youth and Community-Based Practitioners 
Clara Waloff with Anusha Venkataraman, El Puente
Participatory Action Research (PAR) is an interactive process for planning, facilitating, and assessing programs and community initiatives. Examples include an arts-based community mapping project and an environmental justice campaign.

What Is Zoning? 
Mark Torrey, Center for Urban Pedagogy with Jackie Del Valle, Fifth Avenue Committee
How does zoning work? Why is it so controversial? Look at how the zoning of density, bulk, land use, and proposed rezonings could affect your neighborhood. Create a building block city and experience how design can demystify complicated policy issues.