The creative power of arts and culture is a catalyst for action – especially among those who have been disenfranchised
- Check out our policy brief Arts and Culture as Part of a Just and Equitable City written with Groundswell and NOCD-NY
- Read about people who live and work in multiple worlds in our Bridge Conversations book - download for free here
- Listen to our creative toolkits call featuring Line Break Media, Center for Urban Pedagogy, and The Culture Group here
- How Arts and Culture Can Advance a Neighborhood-Centered Progressive Agenda by Caron Atlas
- Creative Placemaking and the Politics of Belonging and Dis-Belonging - by Roberto Bedoya
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Featured PROJECT
Arts + Participatory Budgeting
Participatory budgeting is a leap of imagination and art helps people make that leap! Adding arts throughout the participatory budgeting process can make it more fun, meaningful, and powerful. This brochure shares examples for incorporating arts as you brainstorm ideas, develop proposals, get out the vote, and fund winning projects.