Just Economies: Creative approaches to building & strengthening just and democratic economies, part 1, national focus
July 10, 2014
Listen to the call here

Jackson Rising

In the face of growing economic inequity, people around the country are coming together to reimagine and rebuild their economies and communities based on the values of equity, democracy, cooperation, self-determination and sustainability. From worker cooperatives to community land trusts, participatory budgeting to community gardens,  people are finding creative solutions to the economic challenges they face, while strengthening their communities, building political power, and sustaining the environment.  

Cultural Suvival

Tongo Eisen-Martin, Jackson Rising / Cooperation Jackson
Bobby Martin, Clear Creek Festival / Appalachian Transition
Suzanne Benally, Cultural Survival

Michelle Miller, Coworker.org

Moderator: Javiera Benavente, Arts & Democracy

Clear Creek Festival